I spend one week in Paris with my sister...the weather was so nice... and I have a lot of fun to be a tourist in the town where i live 15 years...Paris sera toujours Paris...
Near a velib, my sister Delphine is wearring a beautiful wool coat embroidered made by myfriend Christine Palmaccio
My favorite place is Montmarte ,specially the beautiful "Sacre coeur" wich is like a sugar mosquee ,and the Halles Saint Pierre which is a beautiful "Art brut" museum with a nice library and a nice place where you can eat a snack or take a coffee...
The think that i schould not do but i did...Buy these incredible new "Chie Miahara" boots with leather roses..
In l'Ile de la cité:the oldest Clock of Paris
I just wear the same color range on me...it was a pure chance
My sister recommended me to visit"The Sainte chapelle" in the palais de justice (Ile de la cité"It was really wonderful...
I love these Hector Guimard Art nouveaux Metro Station
The"Marché aux Fleurs"
Les ponts de Paris
La conciergerie
The illuminated "Eiffel Tower"
Sorry I cant resist Sashimis
I also love Paris because a lot of my friends live there...
I also adore the halls of the old buildings with the majolica landscapes and the gorgeous cement tiles
At the 24 rue Oberkampf ,there is the shop of my friends Chiristine Palmaccio, Alexandra françois and Karen Mony "Les oiseaux"
A place where yo can find very special clothes and accessories from real talentuous and creatives designers
I also sale some beaded jewlery there...

Next time, I think it will be Eastern ,i will try to go with my sons to show them the eiffel Tower and maybe we will take the "bateau mouche" and make all the touristic things i never did when i live in Paris...