Voici quelques photos des Francofolies de La Rochelle ,un énorme festival de musique francophone et autre qui a duré 5 jours (et nuits...)
Mon amie claire est venue m'accompagner dans cette aventure roccambolesque!!!
Les Francofolies is a huge music festival in my town La Rochelle ...I have the chance to be there 5 days and nights with my friend Claire from Paris...
ready to go...
no this is not Mexico but La Rochelle...
We are the heroes (guitars...)
La Grande Scene ...Main place of the festival
Helene,Brice,Leila... at work
The necessary and delicious Kebabs...
My friend Brice at the Saoufé bar just before his bag was stolen
Brice after somebody gave him back his bag (nothing was missing except his mobil phone work) OUF...
Breakfast on a Mercedes
Here we go again...
For the 25 years of the Francofolies my friend Helene does an exhibition...
Thank you to my 3 sons who were so nice to let their mummy having fun 5 nights in a row...
Big up to all the Francofolies staff;especialy my friends Maryse,Helene,Leila,Brice,Isabelle ,Louis...and all the friends that i see at this place every years...i love you all...
Next time I will let you know the main : the beautiful musicians that i saw this year:
Jane Birkin, The Naive new beaters,Skip the use,The Fitzcareldo Session,Goran Bregovitch,Thomas Fersen and others... Now i really have to go to bed...