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I list 2 new items on my jewelry shop today
A long floral sautoir
A Art deco brooch
Glass jewelry box
Victorian photo frame
An enamel fontain with lavatory
A ceramic Pasta canister
A cabinet photographie
A ceramic Coffee canister
VINCIL FROM UMMO - Clip "Saint-Louis" from DITTONGRAPH on Vimeo.
Les chapeaux valseurs victorian game
A small glass
A 1930s french Art deco issue
Two cafe au lait porcelaine bowls
One an
tique hat and coat hoock
A print block game dated 1930s
Madame french 1920s Issue
Antique Sepia car photographie
Swallows 1900s postcard Album
Jesus wall hanger 1930s
BYRRH aperitive french advertisement
Beautiful photographies that I found on flickr in the Frank van Eykelen galerie